Cleaning up after Sandy
A little more than a year ago New York, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas were hit with one of the largest storms in the history of the east coast. Hurricane Sandy tore through the east coast cities and left the entire New York Tri State area with a disaster level mess. It was at only after the storm that citizens and companies from around the area found out just how well they could clean up from the disaster.
People from all around the area gathered to lend a helping hand where they could. Although there was a path of destruction from Sandy and lives are destroyed, we can always see that events like this will always bring out the good in people.
We are happy to say that JanNet’s janitorial cleaning was one of the companies to help in the massive cleanup efforts. JanNet Intl, being a local New Jersey company, was able to donate supplies and manpower to the cleaning effort after hurricane Sandy. By working together with the community, JanNet was able to become bigger than the storm and help clean it up too!
JanNet is still locally operated and based out of New Jersey and there are no plans to move operations elsewhere. By showing its commitment to the community, JanNet is proud to have taken part in the clean up efforts from Hurricane Sandy and stands by the New York and New Jersey communities. JanNet is a specialized commercial janitorial service that offers many options for cleaning. JanNet offers a variety of cleaning plans including green cleaning technologies for the environmentally conscious, sanitize-plus techniques that allow for maximum sanitizing, and an instant price calculator that allows for potential customers to get a price quote with a few clicks of a button without having to talk to anyone and no sign ups.
JanNet Intl is committed to the New Jersey and New York areas and is ready to serve again. Support your local janitorial cleaning companies and see how we make a different day to day.